Women of Camden Advanced ObGyn

Medications During Pregnancy and Common Problems Associated with Pregnancy and Over-the Counter Solutions

Headaches:  are common in pregnancy and are due to hormone changes.  We suggest plain Tylenol, one or two tablets every four to six hours.  You may take Extra Strength Tylenol, one every eight hours.  Try to get plenty of rest.  Sometimes caffeine will help a headache so drink some coffee or other caffeinated beverage.  If it persists, call or go to the nearest ER.

Colds:  are generally viral and will generally resolve in seven to ten days, whether you take any medications.  However, if sinus congestions are really bothersome you may take Tylenol Sinus or Equate Cold & Sinus (Wal-Mart brand) which is an over-the-counter drug and does not require a prescription.  This has acetaminophen (Tylenol) in it, so you should not take additional Tylenol if taking these meds.  Sudafed is also acceptable for colds from 13-32 weeks.  You may also use Vicks Vapor Rub, Robitussin DM for cough, and saline nasal spray.  Benadryl will also help with congestion but may make you sleepy.

Sore Throat:  warm salt water gargles, Cepacol lozenges or Chloraseptic lozenges/spray may be used.  Gargle (1 teaspoon every four hours as necessary).  Halls cough drops are also acceptable. 

Constipation:  is a result of decreased intestinal activity during pregnancy.  We recommend drinking six to eight glasses of water daily.  Increase dietary bulk with bran cereals and breads, fruits, vegetables, prunes or prune juice.  Be sure to get plenty of exercise such as walking.  Stool softeners like Colace (one every morning), Citracal, or Milk of Magnesia can be obtained over-the-counter. 

Indigestion/Heartburn:  can usually be relieved by small frequent meals and avoiding greasy, fried, and spicy foods.  Separate your liquids from your meals and do not drink up to thirty minutes after completing your meal.  We also advise that you not lie down after eating.  You may take Mylanta, Maalox, Pepcid, Zantac, or Tums, if needed.

Muscle Cramps:  usually occur in the calf of the leg during the night.  This is usually related to a calcium/phosphorus imbalance in the diet.  Tylenol and other medications generally do not help.  Do not rub the area but to stretch the calf muscle.  We advise up to four glasses of milk daily, making one of those glasses at bedtime.  You may use calcium supplements instead of milk (i.e. Tums).

It is best not to take any medication during the first trimester (first twelve weeks) except Tylenol.  If you have any questions, please call the office.

If any of the above problems do not resolve with these measures, then call your MD or go to the nearest hospital or urgent care. 



2060 Dan Proctor Dr. Ste 1800 * Saint Marys, GA 31558

Office:  (912) 510-7376 * Fax:  (912) 510-7377